Juan David Morgan

The Verdict

Theater, co-author Ernesto Endara, Universal Books Press, Panama, 2003

At the narrowest part of Panama, only 80 kilometers separate the world’s two largest oceans. The desire to connect them made the United States of America want to sign a treaty with our country, which would ensure control of a territorial strip, and of the canal itself, in perpetuity. In exchange, they would recognize the independence of Panama by supporting it with the presence of their powerful ships. The maneuvers of the shrewd character named Bunau-Varilla reinforced Teddy Roosevelt’s conviction that the route through Panama was the best. What did Bunau-Varilla gain with his efforts? With the signing of the Treaty, 40 million would be distributed among the last partners of the French Canal Company and Bunau Varilla was one of them. This work aims to initiate (or end) a century old debate about the innocence or guilt of our first Panamanian ambassador to the United States. The verdict lies at the hands of the reader.


“No Panamanian should miss the experience of seeing this palpable historical document, given to us on a silver platter by writers Endara and Morgan. We had to wait until we turned one hundred, to participate in this visual feast that in no way should stay only within the walls of the Teatro en Circulo, but rather should be showcased in schools and in cities around the country. “

Aurelio Paredes – Playwright

“The theater, besides providing aesthetic pleasure should clarify life through the communication of ideas, thoughts and emotions. This happens with The Verdict by Juan David Morgan and Ernesto Endara who use history in order to tell us that the past both belongs to us and determine who we are. What historically defines us is put on trial from time to time, either to rescue from the shadows, both facts and key players, for the sake of a fairer assessment or to rigorously condemn them. In The Verdict, all edges of Bunau-Varilla’s actions, face to face with our independence regardless of the fact that we have had only one position for an entire century, are judged. The centenary of the republic is the perfect occasion to review that part of history, with help from The Verdict, a play by two notable authors who surprise us with the reality and the meaning of those days that gave us a homeland and a chance to be a nation. “

Eugenio Fernández – Theater director. Director of the play

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